30 April 2010

The Bronx, New York

10 April 2010
Chico, California

There seems to be more debate than I'm willing to decipher whether this is the world's largest yo-yo or the world's largest working yo-yo or the world's largest working wooden yo-yo but you can certainly visit the colossus at the National Yo-Yo Museum in Chico and you can watch it deploy from a crane right here.

9 April 2010
Paradise, California

The largest gold nugget ever found in North America was pulled out of a mine in Paradise. To celebrate, the locals hold Gold Nugget Days with a parade, a Donkey Derby and the Miss Gold Nugget Pageant. A queen will be selected and this will be her throne.

8 April 2010

San Francisco, California

2 April 2010

Squaw Valley, California